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  • Kelsea K. Sutton

Skin Safety at BAFM

Thursday August 11th was skin safety day at the Market. The Burke Community Memorial Hospital joined us to pass out face-shielding sunglass visors and pamphlets with directions for staying safe when you're outside in the summer -- whether it's cloudy or sunny!

According to the Sun Safety Alliance, more than one million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year; one in five Americans are estimated to develop skin cancer in their lifetime; and one American dies of melanoma almost every hour. For more information about skin cancer, its causes and preventative measures, you can visit and

The CMH volunteers reminded us that people of all ages and skin colors need to wear sunscreen to protect from burns and cancer. We should be using a sunscreen that is SPF 15 or higher, apply before we head outside, and reapply every two hours.

Has it been awhile since you've had your skin checked for suspicious spots? Make sure you attend the Hospital's skin screening on September 6th-9th from 1:00-4:30 each day.

This week at the Market, the Gregory Food Council will have beef stir-fry samples and Modern Woodman will be hosting their annual discount event for members. Stop and see us from 4:00-6:00!

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