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Join the local farmers market as a vendor

OURS: Market Board of Directors

Do you enjoy vegetable, fruit, or flower gardening?

Do you have a hobby or craft?

Do you enjoy making baked goods? Do you like to cook?

Would you like to turn your hobby into a money maker for your family and way to share your gifts? If so…

The Burke Area Farmers Market is the outlet for you!

BAFM is a place for business and trade that also creates social gathering and community activity. Our festive atmosphere provides a relaxing and entertaining place for customers to shop, meet with friends, and take in educational entertainment for both kids and adults.

The market creates access to fresh agricultural produce as well as baked goods and crafts. As a producer, you'd have a unique opportunity to obtain better profit margins by selling directly to the consumer while developing a very personal relationship with your customers. Plus, it’s fun!

But our demand is outpacing our supply, and we need more vendors.

Would you consider selling vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, grains, coffee, eggs, fish, poultry, meat, honey, or dairy? What about flowers, shrubs, trees, potted plants? Crafts or art like jewelry, wood, leather, soaps, paintings, pottery, sculptures, toys, pet treats, or beauty products?

Do you like to baking or canning? You'd make a killing on baked goods, canned produce, dried foods, or meal kits. You can even sell produce or items on behalf of other people as long as they are locally or regionally produced, and the producer’s name and contact information are provided!

Okay, so you're curious, BUT...

It seems like too much to handle alone?

You don't like the selling part of your craft?

You find it difficult to load and unload alone?

You don't want to be tied to selling at every market?

You don't know how to display your produce?

You struggle to price your items?

You're confused by the rules about insurance, sales tax, and labeling?

THEN don't worry!

You can RSVP to our BAFM Spring Vendor Workshop on Facebook. There will be very cool door prizes and heavy appetizers prepared by local chefs!

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