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Guest Post: County Health Nurse

Teri Schoenfeld

The Gregory County Office of Community Health Services is part of the South Dakota Department of Health and is located on the lower level of the Gregory County Courthouse in Burke at 221 East 8th Street. The office hours are Monday through Friday 8am-12pm and 1pm to 5pm. Appointments may also be scheduled outside of normal business hours. The phone number is 605-775-2634. We provide many public health services. These include but are not limited to WIC (Women, Infants, and Children Supplemental Food and Nutrition Education Program), growth and development screenings and guidance, well child checkups, immunizations, school health screenings and teaching, education for pregnant women, post-partum services, lactation counseling, baby care, family planning, and education and activities to promote health and prevent chronic and communicable disease.

Community Health Service offices are located throughout the state of South Dakota. To find the closest office to you simply go to the Department of Health website at

The South Dakota Department of Health also sponsors the website This website will encourage you to move it, feed it, and fix it. As a campaign to encourage healthy eating and physical activity, tips are included for inspiration to live better and grow stronger.

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